Theraphosidae, Phormictopus sp.

Subfamily: Theraphosinae

This is the most common Tarantula from Dominican Republic,
the color vary from brown to black, with golden or bronze
pubescences on legs and cephalothorax, with reddish hairs on the
abdomen. The maximum body size it's 85 mm for the 
female and 65 mm for the male.


Agus3 said...

Nice spider greething from Indonesia

Anonymous said...

Actually, I think it's this spider! 3 dead ones along my walk. I can't imagine how many I walked by that I didn't see! ��

Antonio Tosto said...

The species depends on the area you were...

Anonymous said...

Do they also occur in higher elevations like in the pine forest zones or montane regions of the higher elevations ? Perhaps near Pico Duarte ?

Antonio Tosto said...

On the mountains near Pico duarte there aren't any Phormictopus sp. but surely some other Theraphosidae smaller than Phormictopus